Field Week of Doom Part 6: The End of the Story?

I figured I should probably tell you what came of all this truck hoopla.  On Monday, my boss' boss (since my boss was gone to the Las Conchas fire, which has gotten bigger, by the way...) talked to me and Egghead about what happened with getting stuck and all that.  I feel like I explained this story about a million times already but we had to tell it to him again.  Then he read my witness report and made Egghead fill out the incident report, of which I made copies for him.  A little while later, after reading the report, he came to my cubicle and asked me about the part when I told him to stop but he didn't listen.  He wanted to know how we got along otherwise, and I said we did (because, honestly, I actually do get along with him just fine when we're in the field) but he said if I ever felt uncomfortable with working with him, I should let him know.

We had to meet with him twice that day.  Once at 10 am to get the story and then a second time at 1 pm for him to tell us what he thinks we should do in the future.  He said they were still talking about the skid marks on the Reserve highway.  Reserve is a small town, what can I say?  We also planned for the rest of the week, which I got to decide on, because apparently I'm in charge.  But it seemed like he really wanted me to get back out in the field, so I said I would.   That meant we would be leaving the next day, Tuesday. The two interns Egghead, J and me.

We had to borrow a pool vehicle from the office since all of ours were previously occupied so all three of us crammed our stuff into the "rental" and headed down to Reserve to pick up the truck.  When we got down there, I paid a rather expensive bill (not on my credit card, though, thankfully) and discovered there was a ton more work to be done on it that I would have to take care of later in Albuquerque.  They recommended we just auction it off, which is probably what we're going to do.  I asked the mechanic whether it was drivable and he said yes, so we headed on our way.  We worked in the field the rest of the week and headed back Friday morning.

And that's pretty much it.


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